Dua to get love back: Islamic Duas and their importance

Love is a precious feeling that fills life with happiness. But sometimes such situations come in life when we have to be away from our loved one. In such a situation, the heart breaks and life sinks into despair. In Islam, special Duas have been told for such times, which are to pray to Allah from the depths of our heart. These Duas not only give us comfort, but also help to reconnect our relationship with the mercy of Allah.

Importance of Dua

Dua is considered very important in Islam. Dua is the medium through which we can directly talk to Allah from our heart. Dua has the power that can make the impossible possible for a human being. Therefore, when we truly love someone and want that love to come back, we should pray to Allah.

Dua to get love back

There are some special Duas in Islam to get love back. These duas are inspired by the Quran and Hadith, and while reciting them, your heart should completely believe in Allah.

Dua 1: “Ya Muhabbib, Muhabbib Alayya”

This dua is based on one of the 99 names of Allah, “Muhabbib”. While reciting it, pray from the heart that Allah will rekindle love in your and your loved one’s hearts.

Dua 2: “Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilaiya min khayrin faqir”

This dua is taken from verse number 24 of Surah Al-Qasas. The meaning of this dua is, “O my Lord, bless me with what you have sent down for me, for I am in need of Your mercy.” Reciting it will bring peace to your heart and strengthen your relationship with Allah.

When and how to recite the dua?

The time and method of reciting the dua is also very important. Dua should always be read with a clean heart and intention after doing wudu (ablution). During dua, you should avoid any kind of negativity and pray to Allah with full faith.

After Fajr (morning prayer): When you have offered namaz in the morning, pray to Allah with all your heart to get your lost love back.

Tahajjud (special night prayer): At night when the world is sleeping, this is the time when Allah is closest. At this time, pray to Allah alone to get your love back.

Jumma (Friday): Friday is considered a very important day in Islam. Dua is given special importance on this day. On this day, you should especially talk to Allah from your heart.

Other measures along with dua

Along with dua, some other measures can also be taken which can help in strengthening your relationship.

Sadaqa (charity): Sadaqa has been given great importance in Islam. Donate according to your capacity and pray to Allah to get your love back.

Recitation of Quran: Reading Quran and meditating on its verses will provide peace and guidance to your heart.

Akhlaq (conduct): Improve your conduct and treat your partner well. Remember that good conduct surely brings Allah’s mercy.

Patience and faith

Sabr (patience) and faith (faith) are most important when making dua. Nothing is possible without the will of Allah, and he gives us things for our good only. So, if your dua is answered late, do not be disappointed. Be patient and have full faith in Allah that he will give you the right thing at the right time.


Love is a wonderful feeling, and there are very effective duas mentioned in Islam to get it back. Your heart should completely believe in Allah while reciting these duas. Also, adopt good deeds and conduct in your life. Only sincere prayers to Allah and good deeds can restore your relationship. Have faith in Allah and be patient, because He knows what is best for you.

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